First Aid Central® Restaurant and Food Service First Aid Kit

SKU FXX00686
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• Well stocked to handle common kitchen injuries such as: burns, scalds, cuts and scrapes • Health Canada approved components • Comes in wall-mountable metal case • Includes one 5"x9" abdominal combine Pad, one 4" sterile compress pressure bandage with gauze ties, one 2” compress pressure bandage with gauze ties, one 4” x 15’ conforming stretch gauze bandage, three 4”x4” sterile gauze pads, three 2"x2" sterile gauze pads, one 40"x40"x56" triangular bandage, four 2"x3" sterile non-adherent pads, ten benzalkonium chloride antiseptic towelettes, ten alcohol prep pads, fifty 1"x3" fabric metal detectable bandages, twenty-five fabric metal detectable knuckle bandages , twenty-five fabric metal detectable fingertip bandages, five butterfly wound closures, two cotton tipped applicators, three 5ml saline solution vials, two 4"x5" instant cold compress, one CPR Barrier shield (transparent), one assorted pack of 12 safety pins, one pair bandages scissors (5.75"), one splinter forceps 4.5", two tongue depressors (5.5"), four pairs large medical gloves, two biohazard waste bags, one 1”x15’ adhesive tape, one first aid guide, two 8”x8” burn dressing, two 2”x6” burn dressing, two 4”x4” burn dressing, one 6 pack burn gel packet, five bacitracin zinc

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